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Rushing to get a UK Gambling License

For some of my EA regulated customers, things have dramatically changed, from Mid of July (or a bit later), they will have to apply for a UK Continuation gambling license (And then for a full UK Gambling license.) Of course, I have been chosen to make sure a big folder with most policies for that particular client can be put in, as well as business plans and other information (Corporate structure).

Mostly, the hardest part, is well… to find the right information, and ask the right persons, as these companies actually have offices a bit everywhere, their providers even more everywhere!
I have been chasing testing labs in Australia, Accountants in Malta, Software providers in Israel, Canada, Uruguay, the USA and everywhere else. I have been in touch with system architects in Bulgaria, Estonia and Romania (Lots of eastern countries) I have been denied clearances, then approved clearances and given “sensitive documents” that one can find anywhere on the Internet.

My take on this mainly is that the UK, like France, Belgium, Italy and Spain are quite interested by the potential of money that can be done through taxes with a regulation on gambling.
However, by rushing things, they might create multiples errors in licensing folders by companies, and that should at least be large in the acceptance of all of them!
But, I think that this regulation in the UK is not as strong (and it’s better) than the ones from our friends in France, Italy and Spain – and it’s quite good. However, a license in the UK will not be able to take players from these countries (inter-agencies agreements I guess).

Anyways – Let’s hope this market opening will be useful for the country! And will not, unlike France and Italy, will not destroy a lot of good companies. (Gambling can be good as it creates jobs, and if proper player care procedures, that does not think only about cash are in place, things gets even better.)

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